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Hints, Tips & Advice

Energy In > Energy Out = Weight Gain

Energy In < Energy Out = Weight Loss

Energy In = Energy Out = Weight Maintenance 

"How To" Exercises:
Important Formulas:
Nutritional Guidelines:

Macronutrient Distribution Ranges:

Carbohydrates = 45-65% of total calories

Proteins = 10-35% of total calories

Fats = 20-35% of total calories

Calories Per Gram of Macronutrient:

Carbohydrates = 4 calories / gram

Proteins = 4 calories / gram

Fats = 9 calories / gram

Protein Recommendations Per Day:

Sedentary: >.8 grams / kilogram of bodyweight 

Aerobic Endurance: .8 to 1.4 grams / kilogram of bodyweight

Heavy Resistance Training: 1.2 to 1.7 grams / kilogram of bodyweight

General Athlete Recommendation: 1.5 to 2.0 grams / kilogram of bodyweight

NEVER Exceed 2.2 grams / kilogram of bodyweight if you have kidney problems!!!

+3,500 calories of energy = +1 pound of body fat

-3,500 calories of energy = -1 pound of body fat


To lose 1 pound of body fat / week = -3500 calories

= -500 calories/day

Can be achieved with combination of "-" Energy in and "+" Energy Out

Mass Density:

Fat-Free Mass (FFM) ~= 1.1 kbL-1

Fat Mass (FM) ~= .9 kgL-1

= FFM more dense than FM!!!


As you lose weight, your energy needs will also be lower.  Remember to recalculate your TDEE (formula below)!

Fitness & Nutrition 

Calculate Your Total Daily Energy Expediture (TDEE) using the Mifflin-St Jeor formula:


Men: Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) = (9.99 x kg) + (6.25 x cm) - (4.92 x age) + 5

Women: RMR = (9.99 x kg) + (6.25 x cm) - (4.92 x age) - 161


TDEE = RMR x Standard Activity Factors (SAF) - Refer to SAF Chart for value

Body Mass Index (BMI):


BMI = weight (kg) / height^2 (m^2)


BMI = weight (lb) / height^2 (in^2)


Refer to BMI Chart to see where you fall


Waste-to-Hip Ratio:

Waste Circumference / Hip Circuference

Risk Factor for Heart Disease:

> .95 for men

> .86 for women

Large Waist Circumference:

> 102 cm (40 in) for men

> 88 cm (35 in) for women

Calculating Fat-Free Mass:


Body Mass = Fat Mass + Fat-Free Mass

Fat Mass = Body Mass x Body Fat %

Fat-Free Mass = Body Mass - Fat Mass

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Target Heart Rate Zones:


Heart Rate Maximum (HRM) = 220 - Age

Zone 1 = 65 - 75% of HRM

Zone 2 = 75 - 85% of HRM

Zone 3 = > 85% of HRM

2010 - present

2010 - present

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